How to Prepare for a Historic Home Tour Fort Collins CO


Historic Home Tour Fort Collins CO, Colorado, is a city steeped in rich history and charm, offering a window into the past through its well-preserved historic homes. Nestled at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, this vibrant city not only boasts beautiful natural landscapes but also a collection of architectural treasures that reflect its development over the centuries. Exploring these historic homes provides visitors with a deeper understanding of the city’s heritage, its role in the westward expansion, and the lives of those who shaped its growth.

Overview of Historic Home Tour Fort Collins CO

Fort Collins, originally established as a military fort in 1864 to protect settlers and surveyors in the region, has evolved into a prominent cultural and educational hub. The city’s historical significance is highlighted by its early role in the development of the western frontier, as well as its influence in agriculture, education, and commerce. One of the key elements of Fort Collins’ historical importance is its connection to the agricultural boom that followed its establishment. The development of irrigation systems and the growth of local industries played a significant role in shaping the city’s economic landscape. Additionally, Fort Collins is home to Colorado State University, which has contributed to the city’s reputation as an educational center since its establishment in 1870. Architecturally, Fort Collins features a diverse array of historic homes that reflect various styles and periods. From Victorian-era mansions to early 20th-century bungalows, these buildings offer a glimpse into the architectural evolution of the city and its residents.

Importance of Historic Home Tours

Historic home tours are more than just a leisurely stroll through picturesque neighborhoods; they are a vital means of preserving and sharing a community’s history. These tours provide an immersive experience, allowing visitors to step into the past and gain a deeper appreciation for the architectural styles, design trends, and lifestyles of bygone eras. For Historic Home Tour Fort Collins CO, serves multiple purposes. They help to highlight the city’s rich cultural heritage and celebrate its architectural achievements. By exploring these historic homes, visitors can connect with the stories and events that shaped the community, enriching their understanding of Fort Collins’ Historical Tour context. Moreover, these tours contribute to the preservation of historic properties. By attracting visitors and generating interest, they help to ensure that resources are allocated for the maintenance and restoration of these valuable structures. Additionally, historic home tours foster a sense of pride among local residents and encourage community involvement in heritage conservation efforts. Overall, historic home tours offer an engaging way to explore Fort Collins’ past while supporting the ongoing preservation of its architectural legacy.

Planning Your Visit

Understanding the History

Brief History of Historic Home Tour Fort Collins CO

Fort Collins was founded in 1864 as a military outpost established by the U.S. Army to protect settlers and surveyors working on the transcontinental railroad. Originally named after Colonel William Collins, the fort’s primary mission was to maintain peace and order on the western frontier. The settlement quickly grew from its military origins into a vibrant community, bolstered by the agricultural boom that followed. The arrival of the Colorado Central Railroad in 1877 further spurred development, transforming Fort Collins into an important hub for commerce and agriculture. The establishment of Colorado State University in 1870 played a crucial role in the city’s growth, making it a center for education and research. Over the years, Fort Collins has evolved into a thriving city known for its historical preservation and cultural heritage.

Key Historical Figures and Events

Several key figures and events have shaped Fort Collins’ history. Colonel William Collins, after whom the fort was named, was instrumental in the early development of the area. Another notable figure is Otis C. McCoy, a prominent local businessman who played a significant role in the city’s expansion and development. The establishment of Colorado State University was a pivotal event, influencing the city’s educational and cultural landscape. Additionally, the growth of irrigation systems and agriculture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries significantly impacted the city’s economic prosperity. The early 20th century saw Fort Collins embracing modernity while retaining its historical roots, creating a unique blend of old and new that defines the city today.

Choosing the Right Tour

Types of Historic Home Tours Available

When selecting a historic home tour in Fort Collins, there are several types to consider. General tours typically cover a broad range of historic homes, offering a comprehensive overview of the city’s architectural evolution and historical context. Specialized tours, such as architectural tours, focus on specific styles or periods, providing in-depth insights into the design and construction of particular homes. Some tours may also highlight notable historical events or figures associated with the homes. Choosing the right tour depends on your interests—whether you are fascinated by specific architectural styles, eager to learn about local history, or simply looking for a broad overview of Fort Collins’ historical homes.

Guided vs. Self-Guided Tours

Guided tours provide an in-depth experience led by knowledgeable experts who offer historical context, answer questions, and share anecdotes about the homes and their occupants. These tours often include detailed commentary and may feature access to parts of the homes that are not available to self-guided visitors. On the other hand, self-guided tours offer more flexibility, allowing visitors to explore at their own pace. They usually come with a map or brochure with information about each home, enabling visitors to decide which sites to visit and how long to spend at each location. Both types of tours have their benefits; guided tours offer a more structured experience with expert insights, while self-guided tours allow for a more personalized and leisurely exploration.

Specialty Tours: Architectural, Ghost, and Thematic Tours

Fort Collins offers a variety of specialty tours that cater to different interests. Architectural tours focus on the distinctive styles and design features of historic homes, often including detailed explanations of architectural elements and historical influences. Ghost tours add an element of intrigue, exploring the city’s haunted history and paranormal stories associated with historic homes. Thematic tours might focus on specific historical periods, cultural movements, or notable events, providing a unique perspective on Fort Collins’ past. Each type of specialty tour offers a distinct experience, allowing visitors to delve deeper into particular aspects of the city’s history and heritage.

Preparing for the Tour

Research and Education

Resources for Learning About Fort Collins History

To gain a deeper understanding of Fort Collins’ history, there are numerous resources available. Local libraries and archives offer a wealth of historical documents, photographs, and maps that provide insights into the city’s past. Online resources, such as digital archives and local history websites, can also be valuable for researching specific aspects of Fort Collins’ heritage. Additionally, historical publications and academic journals often feature articles and studies about the city’s development and historical figures. Engaging with these resources helps build a comprehensive background before embarking on a historic home tour.

Several books and documentaries offer in-depth looks at Fort Collins’ history. Notable books include “Fort Collins: A Pictorial History” by Tom H. Rogers and “Fort Collins: An Architectural History” by John J. Hodge, which provide detailed accounts of the city’s growth and architectural evolution. Documentaries like “Fort Collins: The Early Years” offer visual and narrative insights into the city’s past, showcasing historical footage and interviews with local historians. These resources can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the historic homes and the stories behind them.

Historical Societies and Museums

Local historical societies and museums are excellent sources of information and educational opportunities. The Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, for example, features exhibits on the city’s history, including artifacts from early settlers and interactive displays about local heritage. The Poudre Landmarks Foundation and the Fort Collins History Connection are also valuable resources, offering tours, lectures, and preservation efforts related to the city’s history. Engaging with these organizations can provide additional context and enrich your experience of the historic home tours.

Booking Your Tour

How to Reserve Your Spot

To reserve a spot on a historic home tour, start by checking the availability and schedule of the tours you are interested in. Many tour operators offer online booking systems through their websites, where you can select your desired date and time. It’s advisable to book in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to secure your spot and ensure you get the tour time that best fits your schedule. If you have specific requirements or questions, contacting the tour operator directly via phone or email can also help you make a reservation.

Group Tours vs. Individual Tours

Group tours are designed for larger numbers of participants and often offer a guided experience with a set itinerary. They can be a great way to meet other history enthusiasts and benefit from the shared knowledge of the guide. Individual tours, on the other hand, provide a more personalized experience. You may have more flexibility in choosing your tour time and pace, and you can focus on aspects that interest you most. Depending on your preference for social interaction and guided insight versus personal exploration, you can choose the type of tour that best suits your needs.

Tour Costs and Budgeting

Tour costs can vary depending on the type of tour, duration, and included amenities. General admission for historic home tours typically ranges from $10 to $30 per person, with some tours offering discounts for seniors, students, or children. Specialty tours, such as private or themed tours, may be priced higher. It’s important to factor in additional costs such as transportation, parking, and any potential tips for guides. Budgeting for these expenses ensures that you can fully enjoy the tour experience without unexpected financial concerns. Checking for any available discounts, group rates, or special promotions can also help manage your costs.

What to Expect

Tour Highlights

Famous Historic Homes in Fort Collins

Fort Collins is home to several historic homes that are must-sees for anyone interested in the city’s architectural and cultural heritage. Notable examples include the Avery House, a beautifully preserved Italianate mansion built in 1879 that offers a glimpse into the life of one of the city’s prominent early families. The Harris-Flowers House, another historic gem, showcases Victorian design and offers insight into the city’s late 19th-century development. The 1910s-era Elizabeth Hotel, although primarily a commercial property, reflects the city’s growth and prosperity during the early 20th century. These homes not only represent different architectural styles but also tell the stories of the families and events that shaped Fort Collins.

Unique Architectural Features

Fort Collins’ historic homes display a range of unique architectural features that reflect various styles and periods. Victorian-era homes, such as the Avery House, often feature ornate details, including intricate woodwork, stained glass windows, and wraparound porches. The city’s early 20th-century bungalows showcase a more modest yet charming design with exposed rafters, built-in furniture, and simple, functional layouts. Many homes also include distinctive elements such as turrets, decorative brickwork, and expansive verandas, providing a visual history of architectural trends and local craftsmanship. Exploring these features offers valuable insights into the evolution of residential design in Fort Collins.

Stories Behind the Homes

Each historic home in Fort Collins has its own story, adding depth and context to the architectural features. For instance, the Avery House was home to the Avery family, who played a significant role in the city’s early development through their involvement in local business and community affairs. The Harris-Flowers House is linked to prominent local figures and events, reflecting the social and economic changes of the time. Personal anecdotes, historical events, and the lives of former residents bring these homes to life, providing a richer understanding of Fort Collins’ history beyond just the physical structure.

Interacting with Guides

Questions to Ask Your Tour Guide

When on a historic home tour, asking insightful questions can enhance your experience and provide a deeper understanding of the homes and their history. Consider asking about the architectural styles and design choices of the homes, the historical significance of the families who lived there, and any notable events or renovations that have occurred. Inquire about the daily life of the home’s original inhabitants, as well as any interesting anecdotes or legends associated with the property. Engaging with your guide in this way can help you connect more deeply with the history and context of the sites you are visiting.

Etiquette During the Tour

Maintaining proper etiquette during a historic home tour ensures a respectful and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Be punctual and adhere to the tour schedule, as delays can impact the overall experience for the group. Listen attentively to the guide and avoid interrupting while they are speaking. When visiting historic homes, follow any rules or guidelines provided, such as not touching artifacts or furniture, and respect the privacy of other visitors. If photography is allowed, use your camera discreetly and avoid using flash, which can damage delicate interiors. Good etiquette helps preserve the integrity of the tour and contributes to a positive atmosphere.

Engaging with Other Tour Participants

Engaging with other tour participants can enrich your experience and foster a sense of community. Be friendly and open to conversations with fellow visitors, as they may share interesting insights or personal connections to the homes and history being explored. Participating in group discussions and sharing your own observations can enhance the tour experience for everyone. Respect other participants’ space and preferences, and be mindful of maintaining a comfortable environment for all. By engaging positively with others, you contribute to a collaborative and enjoyable tour experience.

Practical Considerations

What to Wear

Dressing for the Weather

When preparing for a historic home tour Fort Collins CO, dressing appropriately for the weather is crucial. Check the forecast before you head out to ensure you are prepared for the day’s conditions. In warmer months, lightweight, breathable clothing and sun protection such as hats and sunglasses are advisable. During cooler seasons, layering is key; opt for a warm jacket, scarves, and gloves. Be mindful of potential changes in weather throughout the day and dress in a way that allows for adjustments as needed. Being comfortable and prepared for the weather will enhance your overall tour experience.

Comfortable Footwear

Comfortable footwear is essential for enjoying a historic home tour, as you will likely be walking or standing for extended periods. Choose shoes that provide good support and cushioning, such as walking shoes or comfortable sneakers. Avoid high heels or sandals that may not offer adequate support or protection, especially if the tour involves uneven surfaces or stairs. Ensuring your feet are well-supported will help you focus on the tour without discomfort.

Historical Attire for Themed Tours

For themed tours that emphasize historical periods or styles, consider dressing in attire that reflects the era being explored. Historical costumes, such as Victorian dresses or early 20th-century suits, can add to the immersive experience and make the tour more engaging. Some tours may provide costume suggestions or rentals, so check in advance to see if there are any specific recommendations or requirements. Dressing in period-appropriate attire can enhance the tour’s atmosphere and provide a fun, educational experience.

What to Bring

Essentials: Water, Snacks, and Maps

Bringing essentials such as water, snacks, and maps will ensure a comfortable and enjoyable tour. Staying hydrated is important, especially if the tour involves a lot of walking, so carry a reusable water bottle. Light snacks, like granola bars or fruit, can help keep your energy up without interrupting the tour. A map of the tour route or neighborhood can be useful for navigating between sites and planning your visit. Having these items on hand will help you stay comfortable and focused during the tour.

Photography Equipment

If photography is allowed, bringing appropriate equipment can help you capture memorable moments of the tour. A smartphone or compact camera with a good resolution is often sufficient for taking photos of the exterior and interior of historic homes. Ensure that you respect any photography guidelines provided by the tour, such as restrictions on flash photography. For those interested in capturing more detailed or artistic shots, consider bringing a camera with adjustable settings or a portable tripod. Proper photography etiquette will help preserve the experience for everyone.

Notebooks and Pens for Notes

Carrying a notebook and pen can be helpful for taking notes during the tour. Jotting down interesting facts, observations, and personal reflections can enhance your understanding and retention of the information provided. A small, lightweight notebook is easy to carry and can be discreetly used during breaks or downtime. Taking notes also allows you to remember key details and stories about the historic homes, which can be useful for later reference or for sharing with others who may be interested in the tour.

Enhancing Your Experience

Participating in Interactive Activities

Hands-On History Programs

Hands-on history programs offer a dynamic way to engage with the past by participating in interactive experiences related to historical practices and daily life. These programs may include activities such as crafting, cooking, or reenacting historical tasks that provide a tangible connection to the history being explored. For example, you might have the opportunity to try your hand at period-specific crafts or cooking methods that reflect the lives of those who once lived in the historic homes you’re visiting. Participating in these activities allows for a deeper understanding of historical contexts and enriches your overall tour experience.

Workshops and Demonstrations

Workshops and demonstrations provide an opportunity to learn more about historical skills and techniques through expert-led sessions. These might include demonstrations of traditional crafts such as blacksmithing or weaving, workshops on historical cooking methods, or talks on architectural restoration techniques. Engaging in these activities offers a hands-on approach to learning, allowing you to see historical practices in action and ask questions directly to knowledgeable presenters. These experiences can add significant value to your visit by providing practical insights into historical craftsmanship and daily life.

Dining and Refreshments

Historic Themed Cafes and Restaurants

Dining at historic-themed cafes and restaurants can enhance your visit by offering a culinary experience that complements the historical atmosphere of your tour. Many cities, including Fort Collins, have eateries that embrace historical decor or offer menus inspired by different eras. These establishments might feature vintage furnishings, traditional recipes, or menus that reflect the local food culture of the past. Eating at such locations provides an immersive experience that ties into the overall theme of your historical exploration, offering both a meal and a taste of history.

Picnic Spots Near Historic Sites

If you prefer a more casual dining experience, consider bringing a picnic and enjoying it at scenic spots near historic sites. Many historic areas have designated picnic areas or parks where you can relax and enjoy a meal outdoors. These spots often provide beautiful views and a peaceful atmosphere, making them ideal for a break during or after your tour. Check for local regulations or designated areas to ensure that picnicking is allowed and that you have the necessary permits or permissions if required.

Local Food and Drink Specialties

Exploring local food and drink specialties can be a delightful way to round off your historic home tour. Fort Collins, known for its vibrant food scene, offers a variety of local specialties including craft beers, artisanal cheeses, and farm-to-table dishes. Many restaurants and food vendors highlight regional ingredients and traditional recipes, providing a taste of the local culinary heritage. Sampling these specialties not only supports local businesses but also enhances your cultural experience, offering a full-sensory connection to the region’s history and traditions.

Safety and Accessibility

Ensuring a Safe Tour

Safety Guidelines and Protocols

To ensure a safe and enjoyable historic home tour, it’s important to follow established safety guidelines and protocols. These may include instructions on maintaining social distance, wearing appropriate clothing or gear, and adhering to tour rules regarding behavior and interaction with the historic sites. Tour operators typically provide safety briefings at the start of the tour, outlining any specific requirements or restrictions. Following these guidelines helps protect both visitors and the integrity of the historic homes, ensuring a smooth and respectful experience for everyone involved.

COVID-19 Considerations and Precautions

In light of ongoing health considerations, COVID-19 precautions remain essential for a safe tour experience. Many tour operators have implemented measures such as limited group sizes, mandatory face masks, and enhanced sanitation procedures to reduce the risk of virus transmission. It’s important to stay informed about any specific COVID-19 guidelines or requirements before attending the tour, which may include pre-tour health screenings or vaccination proof. Adhering to these precautions helps ensure a safe environment for all participants and supports public health efforts.

Accessibility Options

Ensuring that historic home tours are accessible to all visitors is a key consideration. Many tour operators offer accommodations for individuals with disabilities, including wheelchair accessibility, assistance with mobility, and alternative formats for tour materials. Accessibility features might include ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms at the tour sites. When planning your visit, check with the tour operator in advance to confirm the availability of these accommodations and to discuss any specific needs or requests you may have. This helps ensure a comfortable and inclusive experience for everyone.

Tours for Visitors with Disabilities

Tours for visitors with disabilities are designed to provide a fully accessible experience while accommodating various needs. These tours often include modifications such as accessible transportation, adaptive equipment, and specially trained guides who can offer personalized assistance. The goal is to make the historic homes and their stories available to everyone, regardless of physical limitations. When booking a tour, inquire about the specific accommodations offered and discuss any individual requirements to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Family-Friendly Tour Options

Family-friendly tour options are tailored to be engaging and enjoyable for visitors of all ages. These tours often include activities or features designed to captivate children and provide educational value for the entire family. Interactive elements, such as scavenger hunts or hands-on exhibits, can make the tour more enjoyable for younger visitors. Additionally, family-friendly tours may offer flexible schedules, shorter durations, or breaks to accommodate young children’s needs. When choosing a tour, look for those specifically labeled as family-friendly to ensure that it meets the needs and interests of all family members.

Accommodations for Seniors

Accommodations for seniors are important for ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable tour experience. These accommodations may include seating arrangements, frequent rest breaks, and accessible pathways to accommodate reduced mobility. Tour operators may also offer audio assistance or visual aids for those with hearing or sight impairments. When planning your visit, inquire about the specific accommodations available for seniors and any additional support services offered. This helps ensure that seniors can fully participate in the tour while enjoying a safe and comfortable experience.

Post-Tour Activities

Souvenirs and Memorabilia

Local Shops and Markets

Exploring local shops and markets is a great way to find unique souvenirs and memorabilia from your historic home tour. Fort Collins offers various stores and marketplaces where you can purchase items that reflect the city’s history and culture. Local shops often feature handcrafted goods, vintage items, and art pieces inspired by the city’s heritage. Markets might include seasonal fairs or permanent locations where you can find memorabilia such as postcards, local crafts, and historical replicas. Visiting these shops not only supports local businesses but also allows you to take home a tangible reminder of your visit.

Historical Books and Artifacts

For a deeper connection to the history you’ve explored, consider purchasing historical books and artifacts. Many local bookstores and museums sell books that delve into Fort Collins’ history, including detailed accounts of its past, biographies of notable figures, and collections of historical photographs. Artifacts such as reproductions of historical items or vintage memorabilia can also make meaningful keepsakes. These items provide an opportunity to continue learning about the history you’ve encountered and serve as lasting reminders of your tour experience.

Continuing Your Education

Additional Historic Sites to Visit

Continuing your exploration of history in Fort Collins can be both rewarding and enlightening. In addition to the historic homes you visited, there are other significant sites to explore, such as the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, which offers a range of exhibits on local history and culture. The Cache la Poudre River Corridor provides historical insights related to early settler activities and the region’s natural history. Visiting these additional sites allows you to expand your knowledge and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the area’s heritage.

Following up with additional tours can enhance your historical exploration and provide new perspectives on Fort Collins. Consider participating in specialized tours that focus on different aspects of the city’s history, such as architectural walking tours, ghost tours, or themed tours that delve into specific historical events or periods. These tours can offer fresh insights and deepen your appreciation for the history and culture of Fort Collins. Checking with local tour operators for recommendations and seasonal offerings can help you find engaging follow-up experiences.

Joining Local History Clubs

Joining local history clubs can be a great way to continue your education and connect with others who share your interest in history. Fort Collins has various history-focused organizations and clubs that offer lectures, discussions, and social events related to the city’s past. These clubs often provide opportunities to participate in research projects, attend historical reenactments, and engage with knowledgeable speakers. Becoming a member of a local history club allows you to stay informed about upcoming historical events, gain access to additional resources, and build connections with fellow history enthusiasts.


Historic Home Tour Fort Collins CO provides a valuable and immersive experience, allowing visitors to step back in time and explore the architectural and cultural heritage of the city. By visiting these preserved homes, you gain insight into the lives of those who lived there, understand the historical context of various architectural styles, and appreciate the evolution of the community over the years. These tours are more than just a journey through old buildings; they are a chance to connect with the past and gain a deeper appreciation for the historical forces that shaped Fort Collins. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a casual visitor, or someone interested in learning more about the city’s development, participating in these tours enriches your understanding and enhances your connection to the local heritage. We encourage you to take full advantage of Fort Collins’ rich historical offerings. Explore the diverse range of historic sites, engage with interactive activities, and immerse yourself in the stories that define the city’s past. Each tour and visit provides a unique perspective, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of Fort Collins’ historical landscape. Embrace the opportunity to discover and celebrate the rich history that continues to shape and inspire the city today.

Recap of the Importance of Historic Home Tours

Historic home tours offer a unique and enriching experience by providing an intimate look into the past. These tours allow visitors to explore well-preserved homes that reflect the architectural styles, daily lives, and significant events of different historical periods. By walking through these homes, you gain a tangible connection to history, learning about the people who shaped the city and the evolution of its cultural and architectural landscape. Historic home tours not only celebrate and preserve heritage but also educate and inspire appreciation for the historical significance of our surroundings.

Encouragement to Explore Fort Collins’ Rich History

Fort Collins is a city with a rich and vibrant history, offering numerous opportunities for exploration and learning. Beyond the historic home tours, the city is home to a variety of museums, historical sites, and cultural institutions that further illuminate its past. Embrace the chance to dive deeper into Fort Collins’ heritage, whether through additional tours, local history clubs, or simply wandering through historical neighborhoods. By engaging with the city’s history, you contribute to preserving and honoring the stories and experiences that have shaped Fort Collins into the vibrant community it is today.